Gravyty partners exceed 2022 dollars raised while GivingTuesday 2023 results fall flat worldwide

Every year since 2012, organizations of all kinds have rallied support and generosity from their communities to raise a significant amount of money in just a 24-hour period. This day is known as GivingTuesday, and it continues its mission it was founded for—a day that encourages people to do good. With a slight decrease in the number of participants globally, GivingTuesday 2023 results fell flat with $3.1 billion raised. Some nonprofits experienced an increase in support from existing donors, while others reported a decrease.

According to The NonProfit Times, matching donor programs play a crucial role, especially for smaller organizations striving to compete with larger counterparts. In a time marred by rising inflation and global conflict, the surge of generosity and kindness demonstrated on GivingTuesday is a testament to the power a community can bring to a common cause and an inspiring glimpse into the fundraising success to come in 2024. 

Our partners were no exception this GivingTuesday, having raised a staggering $11,502,708 with donations still pouring in. This marks a significant increase of over $750,000 compared with last year’s global day of giving. 

Gravyty-powered GivingTuesday campaigns by the numbers:

– Powered Giving Tuesday campaigns for 46 different organizations
– Over $11,502,708 raised, a 7.3% increase year-over-year
– Several all-time donation goals achieved
– Donor count stayed flat on average at 571 donors, but dollars increased
– Customer support requests during GivingTuesday decreased 
Zero downtime for giving sites
– There were 781 donations from an average of 571 donors 

With overall dollars raised down year over year, how did our clients raise more collectively than last year’s GivingTuesday? Here are a couple of ways in which they achieved their success and will keep their giving day donors engaged well beyond GivingTuesday:

An omni-channel approach to their GivingTuesday engagement 

In an era where your donors live, work and play in digital spaces, only reaching out to them through one or two channels is a big miss. In fact, according to Giving USA Foundation’s Giving by Generation special report, more than three quarters (76%) of Gen Z say they give online. It’s clear donors of today choose to engage through a variety of digital channels, and not engaging them in those spaces can mean missing potential supporters. 

The Gravyty platform leverages the power of omni-channel engagement through personalized video, AI-powered email, custom digital giving sites, and texting to reach donors before, during and after your day of giving. 

Fundraisers personalized their donor engagement strategy for huge GivingTuesday 2023 results

Organizations sometimes focus solely on immediate gains and neglect the long-term relationship-building aspect. One way our partners succeeded in their GivingTuesday campaigns is by making their donors’ experiences tailored, personal and authentic. They leveraged things like video messaging to share campaign updates, invited donors to campus events and showed appreciation all year leading up to their asks on GivingTuesday.

For example, US Air Force Academy Athletics successfully used their ambassadors and gamification to personalize their donor engagement leading up to GivingTuesday and on the day itself. 

Fundraising success beyond GivingTuesday 2023 results

While GivingTuesday 2023 has come to a close, organizations worldwide are still in the process of evaluating results. Early indications reveal an interesting trend: fewer donors are contributing larger amounts, particularly through donor-advised funds. The National Philanthropic Trust (NPT) reported a 30% increase in the value of grant requests compared to last year.

Also encouraging is the outlook of the U.S. economy as a whole. It expanded at a rate of 5% in the third quarter of 2023, helped along by a strong job market and consumer spending. Woodrow Rosenbaum, GivingTuesday’s chief data officer said: “Tens of millions of people in the U.S. came together once again to have a huge impact for causes they care about, including donating an enormous amount of money in a 24 hour period.

Set yourself up for success for next year’s GivingTuesday—and all your giving days. Gravyty lets you scale digital giving through the power of gamification, AI and cutting-edge integrations. Get your free consultation.