peerpal from Gravyty

Supercharge K12 admissions and enrollment

Amplify your #1 recruitment channel—word-of-mouth.

Create a platform of ambassadors

Easily recruit and onboard ambassadors. Provide platform access to students, parents, alumni and faculty who are willing to connect with prospective students and parents in real time.

Automate genuine connections

Automate ambassador and prospective student pairings. Leverage a smart, shared messaging center to facilitate real-time connections and impactful conversations.

Scale outreach campaigns

Develop targeted outreach programs for the entire admissions lifecycle—prospective, applicant, admitted, enrolled and matriculated.

Unparalleled features

Automate ambassador matching

Dynamically connect relevant ambassadors and prospects at scale.

Interactive website widget

Display ambassadors on any webpage to facilitate quick connections.

Peer-to-peer outreach

Enable ambassadors to easily deliver personalized messages and videos.

Bulk outreach

Contact hundreds of prospects via email, phone or video messages in minutes.

Ambassador profiles

Guide ambassadors to create engaging profiles, including videos to ensure relevant matches.

Unified messaging inbox

Provide prospects with a single inbox for ambassador conversations across schools.

Data-driven insights & management

Track campaign results, ambassador stats and the status of conversations. Set conversation limits and receive automated activity alerts.

Built-in safeguards

Ban problematic prospects, download conversation transcripts and generate detailed reports.

See Gravyty in action