6 of the best K12 + independent school Giving Days of 2022

Looking for ideas for your next Giving Day? Look no further.
While K12 fundraising is a year-round effort, a Giving Day (a 24-hour campaign that rallies a community behind your school’s mission) builds excitement, drives engagement through competition and gamification, and revitalizes your school’s mission with its constituents. K12 Giving Days are a great method for re-engaging relationships with existing donors while drawing the attention and support of new donors.
Some schools are experts in using Giving Days as part of their overall fundraising strategy, while others may be new to this type of giving campaign.
Explore six K12 and independent schools that made a big impact during their Giving Day campaigns using Advance from Gravyty, an online fundraising software for hosting and promoting online giving initiatives including Giving Days, crowdfunding, annual giving, reunion fundraising and more.
1. Delbarton School
Delbarton highlighted the causes that matter most to their institution with an Areas of Need section. Donors could choose where to direct their Giving Day donations based on the causes they are most passionate about.
2. Iolani School
Gamification being key to their hugely successful Giving Day, Iolani School used leaderboards and thermometers to show donation progress and create a sense of urgency. They inspired a whopping 4,623 gifts from a goal of 3,000 in just 30 hours!
3. Chaminade High School
Constituents love seeing photos of those whose lives are made better by their gifts, but what do you do when your gifts impact so many? Chaminade High School made great use of Advance’s mosaic tile tool to showcase as many photos as possible—all in the shape of their logo.
4. Punahou School
In the world of online fundraising, every dollar counts. Punahou School managed to ignite some friendly competition within their community and inspire community-wide support for their students by unlocking several challenges throughout their Giving Day.
5. Trinity Christian School
In terms of hitting fundraising goals on Giving Day, few did it better than Trinity High School, who exceeded their goal of 1,000 gifts by inspiring a staggering 1,622 with the help of an engaging, easy-to-use giving platform.
6. Loyola College Prep
On their Flyer Giving Day, Loyola Prep welcomed donors to their site with an engaging video with current students, asking “What can we do in 24 hours?” The challenge resulted in raising nearly $185,000 ($35,000 over their goal)!