How Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation engages alumni + shows its impact

About the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation (CCSF) awards achievement-based scholarships to students in their final year of high school. Students are recognized for their service and leadership, as well as their commitment to significantly impacting their schools and communities.
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation has provided over 6,600 Coca-Cola Scholars with more than $78 million in educational support since 1989.
The network of Coke Scholar alumni includes nonprofit founders, elected officials, entrepreneurs, CEOs, education professionals and more.
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How Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation engages alumni + shows its impact
Why use an alumni community software?
Alumni engagement is critical for an organization like the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation where the ability to network with the wider alumni community into the future is a cornerstone of the program’s success. In fact, CCSF alumni had long been requesting a designated platform where they could search for and connect with other Coke Scholars both for social and professional reasons.
After experimenting with building their own website for networking purposes, CCSF chose Community from Gravyty alumni community software. As well as catering to Scholars’ desire to network with one another, the Community platform removed the middleman, allowing alumni to search for relevant connections directly without waiting for the small CCSF team of seven to make the introductions.
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How Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation engages alumni + shows its impact
While having one-third of the alumni community signed up to the platform is a promising start, CCSF administrators plan to use all the tactics mentioned above (and more) to try and draw in a greater proportion of their alumni.
Everyone craves community. Having a dedicated online platform with all these helpful features has helped us foster better relationships between alumni from across the world and build a successful and vibrant community.
Carolyn Norton, Alumni Relations Manager, Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Interested in building and scaling your own community engagement platform for your nonprofit, foundation, corporation or organization? Learn more about Community from Gravyty.