Secrets of K-12 advancement: How four schools use Gratavid to transform constituent & donor relationships

K-12 fundraising video

In a digital world filled with competing messages and solicitations, how can K-12 advancement teams keep their communities of students, alumni and donors connected and engaged? After all, an engaged, inspired base is one that fuels philanthropic efforts. 

By using Gratavid, Gravyty’s easy video messaging platform, these four K-12 schools transformed their admissions, engagement and fundraising programs with automation and thoughtfully curated outreach.

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Norfolk Collegiate School delights grandparents with friendly video messages

For Cayte Brown, Associate Director of Alumni, Family & Community Engagement at Norfolk Collegiate School, sharing human-centric video messages is the best way to keep the school’s community engaged and connected, anytime and anywhere. 

“It allows us to say thank you to our donors in a unique way and something that’s very memorable. Since we started using this, everyone has loved getting our videos.”

Cayte Brown

Associate Director of Alumni, Norfolk Collegiate School

The engagement team sends videos about school updates to recurring donors as well as donors who are grandparents of students attending the school. This leaves a lasting impression and builds long-term affinity for their institution. 

Miss Hall’s School welcomes new students with a virtual smile

One of the best things about Gratavid? It can be used by small (and mighty!) teams for so many initiatives – from donor stewardship, to enrollment, to engagement. Nolan Oxley, Senior Associate Director of Admissions at Miss Hall’s School uses Gratavids from current students to welcome each newly accepted student to the school, delighting them before they arrive on campus and making them feel welcome right away. 

Plus, Gratavid’s automation makes it simple to set up in just a few clicks. 

“The email templates and set up made this really easy to implement and make an impact in recruitment. It was a life-saver for us.”

Nolan Oxley

Senior Associate Director of Admissions, Miss Hall’s School

Christ Church Episcopal School retains valued donors with meaningful thank yous

There’s no doubt that gratitude goes a long way in donor retention. Taylor Marlatt, Annual Giving Director at Christ Church Episcopal School loves the multi-purpose use of Gratavid. 

“It has streamlined our process for reaching out to donors.”

Taylor Marlatt

Annual Giving Director, Christ Church Episcopal School

The CCES team leans on personalized video messages to show gratitude to their community of supporters. They use the videos to highlight campus and impact updates to showcase the continued value of their donations.

The Field School highlights campus wins & updates

It’s one thing to send an email with a few embedded photos of updates to your school building or campus. It’s another thing to show them through an engaging and personal video. 

Jessica Min Chang, Chief Advancement & Partnerships Officer and her team at The Field School rely on Gratavid to send personalized thank yous to donors following a giving campaign. They also use these friendly and easy video messages to show updates to their campus before, during and after construction, truly highlighting the impact of donors’ support. 

“Gratavid is one of the best kept secrets in online fundraising tools.”

Jessica Ming Chang

Chief Advancement & Partnerships Officer, The Field School

Interested in seeing Gratavid for yourself? Get a demo today.