raise from Gravyty

Fundraising made personal, powered by AI

Grow donors and dollars with smart gift officer tools

Prioritize top donors

Raise’s algorithm identifies high-value donors to help you make qualification decisions fast.

Personalized outreach at scale

AI-powered email drafts let you rapidly create and deliver authentic donor communications.

Engage alumni anytime, anywhere

Deliver end-to-end alumni experiences at scale and cultivate a culture of giving.

Improve gift officer productivity and outcomes

Spend less time on manual discovery and more time on donor outreach to maximize portfolio coverage and grow overall gifts received.

Unparalleled features

AI-powered donor prompts 

Get prioritized outreach suggestions to contact the right donor at the right time.

Pre-written emails

AI-generated email drafts empower you to rapidly communicate with your donors.

CRM writebacks

Automatically track donor communications to your CRM records.

Automated follow-ups

Sync follow-up actions created in your CRM to get prompts when they’re due.

Team prompts

Configure Raise to prompt non-fundraisers for targeted and impactful outreach.

Intelligent travel planning

AI-powered donor visit recommendations to make the most of your trips.

Seamless video outreach

Easy to use video messaging tools. 

Text messaging

Connect with donors wherever they are, and at scale.


See Gravyty in action