Smarter integrations for personalized outreach

Smarter integrations for personalized donor outreach

Empower frontline fundraisers with personalized video outreach

Gratavid from Gravyty—your fundraising secret weapon that enables you to create and send personalized video messages—is fully integrated with Raise from Gravyty for a complete personalized outreach experience.

Learn how Gratavid + Raise can help you: 

  • Maximize your donations
  • Create personalized video messages to increase engagement with your solicitation + stewardship outreach
  • Launch Gratavid directly from your First Draft email to quickly send personalized videos
  • Automatically transfer AI-powered details about your prospect to Gratavid task
Gratavid is now fully integrated with Raise.

A game-changing integration for donor relations

Gratavid from Gravyty—your fundraising secret weapon that enables you to create and send personalized video messages—is fully integrated with Advance from Gravyty for a complete personalized outreach experience.

Learn how Gratavid + Advance helps you:

  • Maximize your donations
  • Create smart rules for fast + friendly videos
  • Support donor stewardship both during and between fundraising campaigns 
  • Quickly and easily send personalized videos for more impactful outreach
Gratavid is now fully integrated with Advance.

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