Real-world examples of personalized videos to engage your donors

Personalized donor videos

See how some of our partners leverage the power of personalized video outreach and built-in automations to make an impact on donors.

Appeal with giving form

Appeal with embedded giving form

Combine personalized videos with digital giving forms to drive immediate action.

Athletics fundraising appeal

Athletics appeal in crowdfunding site

Record authentic videos and embed them into any digital fundraising page for more impactful calls-to-action.

Scholarship appeal

Scholarship & giving day ambassador appeal

Promote early give opportunities and recruit ambassadors with passionate video messages and multiple call-to-action buttons.

Creative stewardship messages

Creative Stewardship Messages

Record and automate unique thank you messages to ensure every donor is appropriately acknowledged.

Ready to learn more about leveraging personalized video outreach and built-in automations to engage your community? Get a free consultation.