community from Gravyty

Take your community virtual

Build a thriving network to fuel your mission, anytime and anywhere.

Community engagement simplified

Build a powerful employee and volunteer directory and deliver a dynamic experience for members. Elevate your outreach with interactive feed posts, custom-designed digests and automated emails and videos.

Mentoring & career development

Foster strong relationships with structured mentoring programs, while providing valuable career growth opportunities and exclusive access to jobs.

Integrations to make your life easier

Connect with leading CRMs to easily manage constituent records and sync with careers and event platforms to promote learning, development and volunteering opportunities.

Unparalleled features

Easy-to-use video messaging

Create and send personal video messages for impactful engagement.

Gamify your network

Engage community members with badges, friendly competition and automated recognition.

Structured mentoring programs

Facilitate mentoring programs with auto-matching and milestones.

Flash mentoring

Facilitate rapid advice through direct messages or video chats.

Event management

Create and promote events with easy registration and waitlist capabilities.

Affinity groups

Provide inclusive, dedicated spaces for committees and cohorts to network and share resources.

Job & internship board

Display opportunities from integrated platforms and through posts by local businesses.

In-platform surveys

Create and distribute surveys to enrich constituent records with valuable feedback.

Business directory

Partner with local businesses and develop corporate sponsorships.

Data-driven insights

View real-time dashboards and get actionable insights based on industry benchmarks.


See Gravyty in action