The ultimate toolkit for Giving Tuesday 2024

With fall on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to get your end-of-year fundraising plans locked down. One of the most philanthropic days of the year is Giving Tuesday, a day celebrating charitable causes of all kinds. On Giving Tuesday 2023, over $3.1 billion was raised by a staggering 34 million donors. For fundraising organizations, it’s a prime opportunity to rally your community around a shared goal, inspiring them to use their individual power to support your organization’s mission. 

So, how can you plan a Giving Tuesday campaign that initiates a snowball effect of community action and giving, during the day itself and beyond? In this blog, we’ll provide all of the ideas and examples to set your team up for success when planning and executing a Giving Tuesday campaign. 

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a focused day of giving that takes place annually in the United States on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The official Giving Tuesday website describes the day as “a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity.” Giving Tuesday 2024 falls on Tuesday, December 3.

The history of Giving Tuesday

The first ever Giving Tuesday took place in 2012 at the 92nd Street Y’s Belfer Center for Innovation and Social Impact in New York City. In the wake of that successful event, other nonprofits and communal organizations jumped on the bandwagon launching their own Giving Tuesdays to inspire their communities to get involved and contribute to their projects.

5 steps to building a Giving Tuesday campaign

Without detailed planning, your Giving Tuesday campaign will fall flat. A plan should consider factors like fundraising and participation goals, messaging, marketing, and technology and other resources. Follow this step-by-step process for building a rock-solid Giving Tuesday campaign.

Step 1: Define your goals

Your organization likely already has an annual fundraising goal, and now’s the time to define how – and to what extent – you intend your Giving Tuesday to contribute to that goal. 

A good goal is a SMART one:

  • Specific: Define exactly the amount you want to raise. Example: 20% of your annual giving goal or $10,000.
  • Measurable: Choose measurable goals, e.g., specific amounts or a set time frame for collecting the funds.  
  • Attainable: Choose a realistic goal that is attainable within the timeframe of the 24-hour campaign. 
  • Relevant: Make sure the goal ties in with your organization’s mission and values. 
  • Time-based: Always set a deadline, whether that is for the planning stage of the completion of the project.

Use your CRM, donor data from other fundraising or engagement software, and the results of previous campaigns to help you set realistic, accurate and attainable goals. 

Step 2: Create a marketing plan

Now that you have set measurable goals, it’s time to create a marketing plan that translates your mission into a message your potential donors can get excited about. Raising money for a local healthcare center? Establishing a much-needed animal shelter? Share your vision, who will benefit and how much you need to raise by when. 

Document a clear plan for which channels you will use to communicate your campaign with your audience, including social media, video platforms, email, and your fundraising website. Prepare the messaging, graphics, and other assets you will use to market your campaign and empower ambassadors to do the same. 

Lean into your fundraising platform’s gamification features to encourage engagement and friendly competition, such as a leaderboard, giving thermometer, challenges and more. 

Step 3: Leverage your data

Your CRM can be a goldmine when planning your Giving Tuesday events. While most nonprofits want to attract new donors, you also need to rally your existing donors to increase their support—especially if it has waned over time and they have not recently engaged. 

Look at donor data from past campaigns and events and segment your donors in a way that makes sense to your organization. Then you can target each group with an approach that is personalized. 

Your segmentations could look something like this:

  • Never donated before 
  • Donated last Giving Day or Giving Tuesday
  • Donated in the past five years (this can be further segmented by size of gift)

Don’t have the time or staff to retrieve and process all the donor data you need to execute a well-planned, data-backed campaign? AI fundraising software can sift through data much faster than a human and help you decide who to target as well as the correct approach for each donor segment. 

Step 4: Determine your fundraising platform & resources

Donors expect a digital-first, omnichannel experience. Make sure your tech stack is equipped with the tools and functionality you need to give donors a seamless experience and hit your goals the day-of. Make sure the content on your fundraising platform reflects the messages and tone you want to convey and, crucially, make sure you have a seamless way for donors to give online through a variety of methods. 

A digital fundraising platform can help you manage your entire Giving Tuesday campaign—from the awareness stage through donor nurture, making the actual day exciting, collecting the funds and thanking the donors at the end.

Step 5: Establish roles & responsibilities

Running a successful Giving Tuesday will be a team endeavor. Delegate tasks to the relevant people making it very clear what their role does and does not involve. Leave plenty of time for people to get familiar with their tasks and learn how to use any new tools or technologies that may be required. 

Empower everyone on the Giving Tuesday team to use their personal influence to draw in more donors. Create a link to your campaign webpage and encourage everyone involved to share the link with their personal network. Gravyty’s digital fundraising platform lets you equip campaign ambassadors with custom links so you can measure impact by ambassador!

Resources to build your Giving Tuesday campaign

Now that you have a solid plan, it’s time to tap into resources and templates to run an engaging and attention-grabbing Giving Tuesday campaign. Below are some resources to give you a head start. Make sure to customize your messaging and assets to fit your organization’s unique story, mission and goals. 

Giving Tuesday landing page

First things first, your campaign needs a landing page to drive prospective donors to get involved and make a gift. Here are some best practices for optimizing your Giving Tuesday landing page:

  • Use clear and compelling copy and visuals to communicate your mission and inspire an emotional connection with your audience
  • Consider adding video that tells your story in a brief, compelling way
  • Feature prominent call to action buttons and links throughout your giving day site with direct language like “Give now,” “Make a gift” or “Join us”
  • Include testimonials from beneficiaries, community members and other donors (bonus if they’re in video format!)
  • Ensure your site is optimized for mobile and fully responsive
  • Minimize the number of clicks it takes to make a donation through your giving form
  • Offer matching gifts as a way to inspire more (and larger) donations
  • Include fun, engaging elements that inspire action like countdowns, leaderboards and giving thermometers
  • Immediately thank donors through an automated yet personalized message

Giving Tuesday graphics

Visit the official GivingTuesday website to find GIFs, logos, stock photos and more. Create custom graphics easily on Canva with pre-built templates. Make sure your graphics showcase your own brand identity and campaign messaging. 

When creating social media graphics or video for Giving Tuesday, follow these size specifications:


  • Landscape: 1200 x 630 px
  • Portrait: 630 x 1200 px
  • Square: 1200 x 1200 px
  • Stories and Reels: 1080 x 1920 px


  • Landscape: 1200 x 627 px
  • Portrait: 627 x 1200 px
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 px

X (formerly Twitter)

  • Landscape: 1600 x 900 px
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 px


  • Landscape: 1920 x 1080 px
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1920 px
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Stories: 1080 x 1920 px

Giving Tuesday email examples

Email is a core pillar of fundraising, with 94% of organizations saying they still lean on email to communicate with donors. Use these templates as a starting point to draft your own Giving Tuesday emails. 

Example 1: General campaign kick-off

Subject: Support [Organization] this Giving Tuesday


Dear [Name],

Giving Tuesday 2024 is coming up on December 3rd. Last year, thanks to supporters like you, we were able to [specific achievement or story]. This year, we have an even bigger goal: to [this year’s campaign goal].

This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us once again in making a difference. With your help, we can:

  • [Specific goal or milestone]
  • [Another specific impact or project]
  • [A third specific impact or project]

Every dollar counts, and every act of kindness makes our community stronger.

Donate here to be a part of something extraordinary: [Fundraising site link]

Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Example 2: Matching gifts challenge

Subject: Double your impact this Giving Tuesday


Dear [Name],

We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for you to double your impact this Giving Tuesday. Thanks to a generous matching gift challenge from [Name of Matching Donor or Organization], every dollar you donate will be matched, up to [amount].

This means that your $50 donation becomes $100, and your $100 donation becomes $200, doubling the difference you can make in the lives of those we serve.

Your support has already helped us to [specific achievement or impact]. Imagine what we can achieve together with this incredible matching opportunity!

Here’s how you can make 2x the impact:

  • Donate $50 to provide [specific item or service] for [number] people
  • Donate $100 to support [specific project or program]
  • Donate $250 to fund [specific need]

Don’t miss this chance to maximize your giving. Donate now: [Fundraising site link].

Thank you for your continued support and for helping us seize this incredible opportunity.

Giving Tuesday social media posts

Social media continues to be a hub of engagement and community, especially when it comes to rallying together for a common cause. Use these social media post drafts as a starting point for your own Giving Tuesday social calendar.

Post 1

Change a life on #GivingTuesday2024!

Meet [Name], a shining example of the incredible impact your generosity can have. Last year, your donations helped [how org’s contributions made a difference in recipient’s life].

This year, we aim to create more success stories like [Name]‘s, and we need your help to do it. Your donation can provide:

  • [Specific benefit or service]
  • [Another specific impact]
  • [A third specific impact]

Join us in making a difference. Every dollar counts!

🔗 Donate here: [Fundraising site]

#[Specific campaign hashtags]

Post 2

Double Your Impact This #GivingTuesday! 🚀

We’re thrilled to announce a matching gift challenge! Every dollar you donate will be matched up to [amount], thanks to [Name of Matching Donor or Organization].

This means your $50 donation becomes $100, and your $100 donation becomes $200. Don’t miss this chance to make twice the impact!

Donate $50 to provide [specific item or service]

Donate $100 to support [specific project or program]

Double your generosity, double your impact. Donate now: [Fundraising page]

#[Specific campaign hashtags]

Post 3

⏳ Countdown to Giving Tuesday…

We’re just [number] days away from Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity. Your support has the power to change lives and strengthen our community. This year, we aim to [describe this year’s campaign goal].

Mark your calendar and get ready to make a difference. Together, we can achieve great things!

Stay tuned for more updates and stories of impact.

Donate now to make a difference: [Fundraising page]

#[Specific campaign hashtags]

Giving Tuesday text examples

Texting as a channel for donor outreach is on the rise in recent years, with 45% of fundraising organizations using it as part of their outreach strategy. Incorporate texting into your omnichannel Giving Tuesday strategy with these sample text messages.

Hi [Name], this Giving Tuesday, your donation can change lives like [Name]’s. Last year, you helped [briefly describe impact]. Join us in making a difference! Donate now: [Donation page]

[Name], double your impact this Giving Tuesday! Thanks to [Matching Donor/Organization], every dollar you donate will be matched up to [amount]. Make 2x the impact in a single day. Donate here: [Donation page]

Hi [Name], your support has such a powerful impact on the [mission]. This Giving Tuesday, help us reach new heights and continue making a difference. Donate now: [Donation page]

Hi [Name], thank you for your part in making an impact on [mission]. This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us again in making a difference. Your donation can help us [specific goal]. Make a gift: [Donation page]

Today is Giving Tuesday, [Name]! Your support is crucial in helping us reach our goal of [specific goal]. Every donation counts. Make an impact now: [Donation page]

Giving Tuesday thank you examples

Video is an excellent way to say thank you to donors in an authentic yet scalable way. Not only does it cut through the noise with a new and engaging format, but it also helps to develop a one-to-one relationship with each donor. Check out these examples of donor thank you videos to plan your own follow-up. 

3 pillars of a sensational Giving Tuesday campaign

What does a successful Giving Tuesday campaign look like? Today’s donors expect a digital-first experience where they can communicate personally with an organization and give seamlessly with a few clicks. Consider these three pillars for building a successful giving day campaign. 


With donor pools of more than 1,000 people, segmentation and prioritization is one of the most critical parts of a Giving Tuesday strategy. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure you’re reaching the right people at the right time ahead of and on Giving Tuesday:

  1. Analyze past giving data to identify major donors, recurring donors and lapsed donors. 
  2. Segment donors based on engagement levels and new donors. Highly engaged donors are likely to respond positively to your campaign, and new donors are likely still excited about your cause and may be prompted to give again. 
  3. Tap into segments of donors by specific cause or interest. For example, donors who have previously given to your athletics program might be more inclined to support that cause again on Giving Tuesday. 

An AI fundraising tool designed to dynamically manage and prioritize your donor portfolios can make this process more efficient.

Omnichannel outreach

Donors of all ages expect organizations they support to reach out to them through a variety of channels including social media, email and text. In fact, one-third of Boomers say it’s acceptable for brands to text them a few times per week

Build a hyper-personalized outreach plan by donor segment, considering demographic, giving history, engagement history, and interests. Match your channel mix to donor segments; for example, a major donor might require more in-person meetings, personal phone calls and direct mail, whereas a recurring mid-level donor might be best suited for email, personal video messages and text messages. 

Scholarship appeal

Seamless experience

Your Giving Tuesday website or giving page must be a seamless and easy experience for donors. Choose a fundraising platform that offers a wide range of mobile wallets and other giving modalities like donor-advised funds payments. Reduce the number of clicks it takes a donor to make a gift or sign up to volunteer. Ensure the site is secure and stable – you can’t risk downtime during the critical 24-hour day. 

8 Giving Tuesday ideas to inspire you

  • Partner with a major donor or a corporation to match donations dollar-for-dollar up to a certain amount.
  • Have a beneficiary, volunteer, or staff member take over your social media accounts for the day to share personal stories and behind-the-scenes content.
  • Roll out an ambassador program so your biggest supporters can solicit donations from their network, like Gravyty client US Air Force Academy Athletics did during their last Giving Tuesday campaign.
  • Share compelling stories and testimonials from those who have benefited from your organization’s work through video, emails, social media, and your website.
  • Recruit enthusiastic supporters to act as ambassadors who promote your Giving Tuesday campaign through their own social networks.
  • Offer exclusive perks or experiences for donors who contribute on Giving Tuesday, such as special recognition, thank-you gifts, or access to exclusive events.
  • Use interactive elements like live donation trackers, thank-you videos, or shout-outs to donors on social media throughout the day.
  • In addition to asking for donations, spend part of the day thanking past donors and volunteers through video, emails, and personal messages.

The best fundraising software to raise more this Giving Tuesday

There’s no doubt that even the most experienced fundraising team needs a reliable tech stack to run a successful campaign in 2024. Gravyty’s comprehensive fundraising platform lets you deliver unparalleled giving experiences and reach more donors effectively through AI-powered portfolio management, automated omnichannel outreach, and tailored giving day sites. Book a demo today to learn more.